Q: How can check the status of my order?
A: Click on our Ask an Expert Link For Shipping Information.
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: Please Check Our Shipping Chart
Q: Will I be able to track my order
A: Yes Tracking will be provided once your item is shipped
Q: Do you offer a Warranty
A: Yes We Do
Craftsmanship / Warranty Information
The craftsmanship (quality) is guaranteed on all of our jewelry for a period of 30 days. If you receive a broken item, or any part of your item breaks within the first 30 days, you may send the item back to us for a replacement, all you pay is shipping . Please be aware that our 30 day craftsmanship warranty only covers manufacturer's defects. It does not cover the following:
- General wear and tear, such as scratches, dents, nicks, or missing stones
- Although our jewelry is resistant to moisture, water damage is not covered
- Fading/chipping of the material on the product (which depends almost entirely on how you handle the product)
- Lost or missing parts
- Damage due to personal misuse or negligence