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​What you Need To Know About Stainless Steel Jewelry

Posted by Soma Nath on 10th May 2017

About Stainless Steel Jewelry

While gold and silver jewelries have been ruling over the hearts of millions, there is a less-known and much cheaper alternative that is gradually on the rise. Ever heard of stainless steel jewelries? Maybe, maybe not, but these bauble are going to be the future of alternative low-priced jewelries. The rising prices of platinum, silver, gold and other precious ornaments have made it difficult for people to afford them as often as they would like to. In this scenario, the entry of these jewelries is almost like an offering of salve to thinned wallets. But, if you haven’t set eyes on these incredible pieces yet, then here is a little preview.

A Vignette on Stainless Steel Jewels

If you looked at these pieces, the first thing you’d notice is their resemblance with precious white metal baubles. They bear the same silver shine, the details and reflectivity of a precious metal. Some well-crafted stainless steel pieces mimic their high-priced counterparts very closely, some even boasting the feel of platinum by a large measure. A good thing about these pieces is that they are pure in their composition. Unlike other metals, steel jewelries do not require fillers or alloys of metals like nickel, which is a common characteristic of low carat gold. So, in most ways, in steel, the best of both the world meet in style and purity.

What Makes Steel a Preferable Options for Jewelries?

Stainless steel is a much harder metal by comparison to gold and platinum. Though titanium is the hardest of them all, but it is safe to say that stainless steel is very durable. That is precisely what makes it eligible for jewelry making. Buyers often complain that gold, silver and platinum jewelries are too prone to getting nicked and dented from mild bumps. A little twist may even cause the ornament to snap altogether. But with stainless steel, that part of the problem has been sorted. Steel used for these jewelries is strong enough to last you a lifetime, and probably longer. Stainless steel jewelries that were made in the last century are still passed on through generations in great conditions.

Another thing about stainless steel is that they do not get corroded easily. Though it is not exactly recommendable to test them in acidic or corrosive solutions, these pieces do not lose weight with time. In fact, they do not get scratched very easily either. So, even after years of use, a stainless steel jewelry is likely to retain its shine and luster. To add to that, stainless steel is completely non-toxic. That makes them allergy-free unlike some heavy metals like palladium that can cause rashes and swelling on the skin.

A Pocket-Friendly Option

Last, but not the least, stainless steel jewelries come at very flexible prices. They are affordable and do not require you to wait till you receive your paycheck to buy one. Though oddly enough, it is not the most economic option available, but it is one of most cost-effective alternative there is to traditional jewelries.

Explore the rich treasure of stainless steel jewelries at